Why can I not log in, even though I just signed up a few days ago? |
Normally, that was because you signed up with invalid data; for example: invalid email address. The Administrator will delete your login data if the mail we sent you was returned because of the invalid address. |
Why puzzles are free? |
We would like to promote this web site to be educational, yet recreational. Learning from playing is one of our purposes.
Eventually, educator can use this site to collect all the interested puzzles and print them out for the classes. |
Is this site really 'Free' (no charge)? |
Yes, It is completely free for all the visitors. Thanks for the sponsor: Object Link Technology. |
Why membership? |
There are several reasons:
We would like to save you time when you want to have the solution be sent to
your email address.
We would like to keep your information in our database
so that we can notify you when there are significant changes about this site.
We also ask you to be serious about this site by signing up as a member.
We believe you will benefit more in the future. |
How to get my password if I forgot my password? |
You have to go to member login page.
At the bootm of the page, where says: 'Forgot your password? Click here', click the link.
At the bottom of the page, type in your email address as your member ID,
type in your birth date in mm/dd/yyyy format as your password reminder. then click submit.
The password will be displayed immediately on the screen or
an error message will be displayed to tell you what was wrong. |
How can I get puzzle solutions? |
You have to sign up as a member,
then login with your email address and password.
While you are viewing a particular puzzle, you can click the 'Send Solution' button
to send the solution by email to your email address. If you are not logged in at that time,
you will be prompted to login and then return to the same puzzle page. |
How do I change my Email address and/or my password? |
You have to login first. After you login, at the bottom of the Process Member Login page,
there is a link in the last paragraph you can click to get to the Change Profile page.
Also, after you login, the Member Login button at top left corner will be changed to 'Member Only'
button (next screen, not immediately).
If you move your mouse over the 'Member Only' button, it will inidcate to you 'Change your profile'.
Click the 'Member Only' button to jump into Change Profile page.
You can change Email address (member ID), first name, last name, password and birth date. Whatever you changed, you will be notified through (new)Email. |
Geometry |
Logic |
Math |
Misc. |
Weight |
Moves |